Be it the practical We-Vibe vibrator, which can even be worn during intercourse and stimulates both the clitoris and the inside of the woman. Or the practical and above all extremely pleasant Xcel Blue, which makes it possible to be penetrated both vaginally and anally by a vibrator.
Thanks to our large selection of high-quality special vibrators, our customers can quickly and easily find exactly the vibrator that suits them and their wishes and ideas.
When a conventional vibrator is simply not enough
Often our customers want a satisfaction that goes beyond that of conventional vibrators. Be it because of a certain shape or size, or simply because more functions are desired. With our special vibrators, practically no wishes remain unfulfilled.
Whether particularly large and pumpable or elegantly incorporated into a comfortable love chair. The perfect special vibrator can be found under guarantee in our assortment. So our customers enjoy the pleasantly filled feeling of especially large vibrators or the irresistible pleasure gain with a double penetration that vibrates in the same beat.